Helpful Information for Schools
Resources for Teachers, Students, and Administrators:
If a child in your school is struggling with mental health concerns, either personally or in their family, you can help them connect to services.
If your school has an onsite clinician or counselor, that person can help teachers or administrators make a referral for a child. The clinician will contact the child’s parent or caregiver for permission to conduct a screening or consultation. Often, the clinician then will meet with the child and talk to the parents and teachers to determine what service might be appropriate and available, and can provide information to the parent to connect to the service.
In schools where there is no school-based clinician, teachers can follow their internal policy for referrals.

Other Education Resources
FREE Trainings in basic suicide prevention, Mental Health First Aid, and more
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Helpful Publications
Behavioral Health Toolkit: Best Practices and Resources for Lorain County Schools
This toolkit was designed to provide information to educators and administrators regarding the best practices and policies that can help Lorain County middle and high schools to reduce risk of student suicide or substance abuse among students. In addition to providing information about what school’s need in order to better prepare, the tool kit includes information about resources that exist right now in Lorain County to assist schools in improving school readiness.
It includes information to help you assess your school’s readiness for averting a behavioral health crisis. It also includes information on effective behavioral health policy, professional development, student education programs, and resources for parents and students.
This toolkit was created through a collaborative effort of the Lorain County Partners, including the Lorain County Board of Mental Health, the Lorain County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Board, the Lorain General Health District, the Elyria City Health Department, with assistance from staff from the Sheffield-Sheffield Lake, Vermilion, and Amherst school districts.
Addiction Resources
StopAlcoholAbuse.Gov is your gateway to comprehensive research and resources on the prevention of underage drinking.
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Founded in 1987 as an anti-drug advertising campaign and formerly known as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, we are a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing teen substance abuse and helping families impacted by addiction.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institute on Drug Abuse
NIDA’s mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.
Search Our Library of Information by Topic
Mental Health Resources
Psychological First Aid Guide
The Psychological First Aid Guide is a resource of interventions designed to assist students, faculty and staff in the event that they may experience natural disasters or acts of violence. The guide includes removable worksheets and handouts that list important things to consider when providing support and assistance in a campus environment. The worksheets and handouts cover various issues including PFA core actions, a checklist of services, tips for self-care and relaxation, as well as individual tip sheets for adults and families and pre-school, school-age and adolescent children and youth.
Helping Youth after a Community Trauma: Tips for Educators community
Traumatic events, such as a natural disaster, school violence or the traumatic death of a peer or educator, can affect student’s learning, behavior and relationships. The tip sheet lists common reactions educators might see in the students with whom they work and suggestions on how them may help.
Suicide Postvention
This document recognizes and builds upon the skills and resources inherent in school systems. Schools are especially resilient and resourceful organizations whose staff members may be called upon to deal with crisis on any given day. Schools can be a source of support and stability for students and community members when a crisis occurs in their community.
These suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention guidelines are designed for schools to use within existing protocols to assist students who are at risk and intervene appropriately in a suicide related crisis. The purpose of these guidelines is to assist school administrators in their planning. These guidelines do not constitute legal advice, nor are they intended to do so.