OhioGuidestone Receives Amy Levin Fund Dollars
OhioGuidestone, a valued MHARS Board provider, is the recent recipient of a $23,600 Amy Levin Fund award for training and implementation of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) for youth.
The MHARS Board congratulates OhioGuidestone on its receiving of these funds. A committee consisting of a Levin family designee, two board members and two staff reviewed the proposal and determined it was consistent with the spirit and intent of the Amy Levin Fund.
TF-CBT is nationally recognized as a best practice, evidence-based model in the treatment of youth who have experienced trauma. It is a treatment model that improves a range of trauma-related outcomes following 8-25 sessions with a child/adolescent and their caregiver. Although TF-CBT is highly effective at improving youth post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and diagnosis, a PTSD diagnosis is not required in order to receive this treatment. TF-CBT also effectively addresses many other trauma impacts, including affective (e.g., depressive, anxiety), cognitive and behavioral problems. It also can also improve the participating parent or caregiver’s personal distress about the child’s traumatic experience, effective parenting skills and supportive interactions with the child.