RFQ Questions Answered
Below are the questions submitted as part of the RFQ for a project manager/owner representative for the Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center. The questions, as they were sent, are listed below in a bolded font.
- Has the site been selected or is acquisition part of the proposal? There are two (2) noncontiguous parcels owned by The Nord Center that has been identified as a possible location for the project. The parcel had a Phase 1 completed.
- Has any entitlement work been initiated? No. The City of Lorain is aware of the project.
- Has a site plan been developed?Preliminary plan created in 2018. Building concept has not been determined.
- Is it possible to extent the deadline for questions into next week?No
- There is a limit of (10) single sided pages, does this include all backup for experience and resumes of our team? Resumes are not part of the 10 pages. All other documents are part of the 10 pages.