Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center General Contractors Bid Tabulation, October 11, 2023
Sealed bids were accepted until October 10, 2023 at 2:00 PM at the Mental Health Addiction & Recovery
Services (MHARS) Board of Lorain County, 1173 North Ridge Road East, Lorain, Ohio for the furnishing
of all labor, material and equipment for the Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center in accordance with
plans and specifications prepared by Perspectus Architecture. This project consists of the construction of
a two-story building to house a crisis center and patient rooms along with associated functions, and other
work indicated in the Contract Documents.
For questions concerning the bids and/or information contained in this, please contact:
Todd P. Cooper, P.E., CCM, PSP, LEED AP
Hill International / toddcooper@hillintl.com