What you need to know about the Mental Health, Addiction and Recovery Services Board of Lorain County Renewal Levy
Just the Facts
The Mental Health, Addiction and Recovery Services levy is a renewal of a $8.6 million, 1.2-mill, 10-year levy
on the November 5, 2024 ballot. It is less than $2.65/month ($31.79/year) per $100,000 of property value.
This levy, which won’t raise taxes, is one of the smallest in Lorain County.
State and federal funding for mental health and addiction treatment has remained relatively flat. In Lorain
County, local support typically provides 65% of the annual operating budget that makes services possible.
Passage of the renewal levy will continue valued mental health and addiction services to sustain a safe,
vibrant community.
The Purpose
The residents of Lorain County have been essential partners in ensuring that families have mental health
crisis options in emergencies, treatment and prevention programs for children and adults, and addiction
recovery services. The Mental Health, Addiction and Recovery Services Renewal Levy is critical to ensure cost
effective prevention and intervention programs continue. These include:
- Investing in fentanyl and opioid addiction recovery programs.
- Providing mental health and recovery services for children and families who cannot afford to pay for
them, have nowhere else to turn, and could go untreated. - Helping teachers identify and connect students to treatment.
- Providing training that improves skills of clinicians, law enforcement, and community members.
The Bottom Line
1. Nearly 13,000 Lorain County residents received mental health and recovery services across our
health network in 2021. This renewal contributes a significant amount to keeping those services
available for families.
● 24% of the clients served in our network are children.
2. Invest in crisis services for children and adults. By supporting our critical local safety net and crisis
response capabilities, we save lives and reduce the long-term costs associated with hospitalizations,
law enforcement involvement, and prolonged recovery periods.
3. Good steward of taxpayer dollars. By providing intervention and prevention services, the levy helps
significantly reduce the burden on county resources. When compared to other alternatives,
interventions funded by the levy are efficient and effective investments.
4. The levy is one of the smallest county-wide operating levy, $2.65/month, and if approved by voters,
it would continue to maintain support services promoting stronger and more vibrant communities in
Lorain County.
5. With this levy renewal, we will continue to promote stronger, safer communities by funding
programs essential to effective mental health and addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery
Do Your Part
You can help us build stronger communities in Lorain County and maintain these vital services buy voting FOR
the Mental Health, Addiction and Recovery Services Renewal Levy on November 5th.
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
Learn MoreLegal Notice to Contractors – Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center
Sealed bids will be accepted until October 3, 2023 at 2:00 PM at the Mental Health Addiction & Recovery
Services (MHARS) Board of Lorain County, 1173 North Ridge Road East, Lorain, Ohio for the furnishing
of all labor, material and equipment for the Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center in accordance with
plans and specifications prepared by Perspectus Architecture. This project consists of the construction of
a two-story building to house a crisis center and patient rooms along with associated functions, and other
Work indicated in the Contract Documents. All interested parties are welcome to attend the bid opening to
be held immediately following the deadline, in MHARS Board’s office at the Amy Levin Conference
Center, 1165 North Ridge Road East, Lorain, Ohio. The estimated Base Bid cost of all work is
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be conducted for all bidders on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 2:00 PM at the
Amy Levin Conference Center at 1165 North Ridge Road East, Lorain, Ohio 44055. A site visit will be
conducted immediately following the Pre-Bid Meeting. Participation is recommended.
The Bidding Documents, consisting of Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, General Provisions,
Specific Provisions, Supplemental Specifications, Technical Specifications and Drawings may be examined
at the following locations: MHARS Board of Lorain County, 1173 North Ridge Road East, Lorain, Ohio
44055; Dodge Data & Analytics (www.construction.com), Builders Exchange (www.bxcleve.com), and
Construct Connect (www.constructconnect.com).
Official bid documents and specifications can be ordered from SE Blueprint (216.241.2250 or
www.seblueprint.com). No refunds will be provided on bid documents. Only bids prepared on the official
documents obtained will be accepted. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Guaranty and Contract
Bond in accordance with Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. Bid security furnished in Bond form,
shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety.
Each proposal shall contain the full name or names of persons and company submitting the proposal and
shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked “Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center”.
The Contractor, in the construction of the work, shall give preference in employment to citizens of the
County of Lorain, and where citizens of the County are not available, shall give preference to citizens of
the State of Ohio. All contractors involved with this project shall, to the extent practicable, use Ohio
products, materials, services, and labor in the implementation of this project. State and Federal Prevailing
Wage rates for Lorain County, OH and Equal Employment Opportunity requirements of Ohio
Administrative Chapter 123 are applicable to this Project.
This Project is subject to the State of Ohio’s Encouraging Diversity, Growth, and Equity (“EDGE”)
Business Development Program. A Bidder is required to submit with its Bid and with its Bidder’s
Qualifications form, certain information about the certified EDGE Business Enterprise(s) participating on
the Project with the Bidder. Refer to the Instructions for Bidders.
The EDGE Participation Goal for the Project is 5.0 percent.
The percentage is determined by the contracted value of goods, services, materials, and labor that are
provided by EDGE-certified business(es). The participation is calculated on the total amount of each
awarded contract. For more information about EDGE, contact the Business Certification Compliance
Manager at Stacy.Cornett@development.ohio.gov, or at its physical location: 77 South High Street,
28th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215; or by telephone at (614) 728-0088.
The MHARS Board or Lorain County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any
informalities or irregularities if it is deemed in the best interest of the Board to do so. Any interpretation,
correction, or modification to the specifications desired shall be in writing to Ray Minotas, Perspectus
Architecture (rminotas@perspectus.com) and must be received at least seven (7) working days prior to the
date of bid opening.
Michael Doud, Director
Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center General Contractors Bid Tabulation, October 11, 2023
Sealed bids were accepted until October 10, 2023 at 2:00 PM at the Mental Health Addiction & Recovery
Services (MHARS) Board of Lorain County, 1173 North Ridge Road East, Lorain, Ohio for the furnishing
of all labor, material and equipment for the Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center in accordance with
plans and specifications prepared by Perspectus Architecture. This project consists of the construction of
a two-story building to house a crisis center and patient rooms along with associated functions, and other
work indicated in the Contract Documents.
For questions concerning the bids and/or information contained in this, please contact:
Todd P. Cooper, P.E., CCM, PSP, LEED AP
Hill International / toddcooper@hillintl.com
Learn MoreMHARS Board & Community Partners Unveil Suicide Prevention Mural
The Mental Health, Addiction & Recovery Services (MHARS) Board of Lorain County – in partnership with The MAD* Factory, Cleveland Mural & Paint and United Way of Greater Lorain County – recently unveiled the suicide prevention awareness mural in Lorain. MHARS Board Executive Director Michael Doud, Program Officer Lauren Cieslak, and Lorain Mayor Jack Bradley all provided remarks.
The mural is located at The MAD* Factory at 2655 Broadway Ave., Lorain, OH 44052. It offers the important reminder that no one is alone and “We’re So Glad You’re Here” and, in Spanish, “Estamos Contentos Que Estas Aqui.”
Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped make this mural possible!
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is a leading cause of death in the U.S., with 45,979 deaths in 2020 – or about one death every 11 minutes.
There is help for anyone struggling with thoughts of suicide. The Crisis Textline is a free and confidential way to connect with a counselor by texting 4Hope to 741-741. In a crisis, those in need of help can call 9-8-8. The English/Spanish Navigator Line is also a great resource to get connected with non-emergency resources in Lorain County by calling 440-240-7025.
Learn MorePHOTOS: First Responders Week of Appreciation
In support of those on the front lines of the opioid crisis, the Mental Health, Addiction & Recovery Services (MHARS) Board of Lorain County and volunteers showed their gratitude for First Responders Week of Appreciation. Volunteers took thank you baskets to law enforcement, firefighters, EMS, children’s service workers, 911 dispatchers, behavioral health workers, and others helping to save lives in Lorain County.
Thank you, first responders, for all you do! Here are some scenes from deliveries throughout Lorain County.
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Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training – Free Certification
Y0U can “ASIST” in 2024!
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
“I’m just a burden on everyone.”
“No one would miss me if I were gone.”
“Everyone would be better off without me”.
When someone you love – or even someone you barely know says something like this, you break out in a sweat. What do I say? How do I help? Are they serious? How do I handle this?
But don’t worry. You can be prepared to help when someone is experiencing distress. This FREE training gives you simple, straight-forward, ways to help, plus lots of good resources that are just a call or click away.
Learn the skills to prevent suicide. Most people considering suicide share their distress and their intent. You can learn to see and respond to these invitations to help. (ages 16+)
Register: https://mharslc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3QWWu3BtUHka9cG
Have Questions: 440-233-2020
Learn More4,047 Pounds Collected in Lorain County Drug Take Back Day
Thanks to everyone who came out and made Drug Take Back Day a success – from those who dropped off their unused medications to those who volunteered and the law enforcement who collected the meds.
In total, 4,047.3 pounds of unused meds were collected, according to the final count.
Here is how much was collected by location:
- Amherst, 556.2 lbs – 29 boxes
- Lorain Police, 540.8 lbs – 26 boxes
- Avon Lake, 253.2lbs – 13 boxes
- Oberlin Police, 250.6 lbs -15 boxes
- Lorain County Sheriff, 430.8 lbs – 32 boxes
- Wellington Police, 173.2 lbs – 10 boxes
- Elyria Police, 333.5 lbs – 24 boxes
- North Ridgeville Police, 309.2 lbs -13 boxes
- Avon Police, 598.6 lbs – 39 boxes
- Grafton Police 186.4 lbs – 13 boxes
- LaGrange Police, 82.2 lbs – 4 boxes
- Columbia Township, 147.4lbs – 8 boxes
- Kipton Police, 24 lbs – 2 boxes
- Sheffield Lake Police, 31.8 lbs – 1 box
- Sheffield Village Police, 36.4 lbs – 1 box
- Vermilion Police, 87 lbs – 6 boxes
Total collected – 4047.3
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Free Overdose Lifeline Trainings Available
Overdose Lifeline training courses are offered for free in Lorain County. These courses are aimed at educating and training the public on addiction, the opioid crisis, combating stigma, harm reduction and more. They are also available for youth and adults. Upon completion of courses, a certificate will be sent to participants, which is valid for three years.
What Courses are Offered?
- The Opioid Public Health Crisis: understanding foundational knowledge of the nationwide opioid public health crisis, solutions and action to take to to reduce the epidemic’s effects, understanding the potential misuse of opioids, risk factors, and suggested prevention and reduction methods.
- Guide to Harm Reduction: convey a working understanding of harm reduction, understanding of harm reduction principles and services, and what it means to practice harm reduction.
- The Brain and the Disease of Addiction: how the brain is affected by substances and how the disease of addiction develops.
- Medication Assisted Treatment: understanding the role of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in treating Opioid Use Disorder and understanding MAT as a part of comprehensive medication-assisted recovery.
- Removing the Shame and Stigma of Substance Use Disorder: learn about the consequences of shame and stigma associated with addiction, review reasons addiction is stigmatized, explore solutions to address shame and stigma, identify the shame and stigma, and recognize negative beliefs associated with a person, issue or circumstance often based on assumptions rather than facts.
Why Get Trained?
Accidental overdoses led to 140 fatalities last year in Lorain County. These trainings offer a way to learn about the epidemic and ways to help others struggling with substance use disorder. Addiction is a medical disease that can affect anyone, and it is important for all of us to learn more about it and to remove the stigma surrounding it.
How To Get Started
Contact Jinx Mastney at (440) 434-5711 or JMastney@mharslc.org to request a training for your faith community, school, workplace, civic organization or other group.
Learn more about Overdose Lifeline Training Courses and how to connect HERE.
Learn More$1.5 Million Awarded by US Congress to Fund Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center
From Joint Release with The Nord Center:
The Nord Center applied for and was awarded $1.5 million in Congressionally Directed Spending. This request was made through United States Senator Sherrod Brown who worked to make this funding a reality.
This earmarked federal funding underlines of The Nord Center’s commitment to being an active and meaningful participant in the new Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center. The federal funds awarded to this project in combination with the funding received already from the Mental Health, Addiction and Recovery Services (MHARS) Board of Lorain County , the Lorain County Commissioners, the Nord Family Foundation, and the Bass Family, set the stage in Lorain County for breakthrough behavioral health and substance use disorder crisis care.
This center, based on a best practice model used successfully elsewhere in the country, will expand the County’s capacity to provide inpatient detoxification services and revolutionize the care continuum for behavioral health and substance use disorder in Lorain County.
“The Lorain County Crisis Receiving Center project has been the culmination of many years’ work and support from countless members of our community. They include civic leadership, healthcare, schools, law enforcement, courts, both state and federal legislators, philanthropic organizations and private business owners,” said Don Schiffbauer, Nord Center CEO. “Our local emergency rooms and law enforcement agencies are currently the treatment choice options for those in crisis. This center will provide a therapeutic, warm and welcoming setting in which to facilitate recovery by providing help through medication stabilization, access to case management, counseling services and appropriate assessment. Providers can also triage on-site for the right level of care, making seamless connections to community resources that will facilitate the recovery and healing process.”
The planned Crisis Receiving Center is an alternative and much improved vision for how Lorain County provides behavioral health and substance use disorder care. The project will enhance the crisis continuum in Lorain County with a first-of-its-kind facility to treat those experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis. The project owner will be the Mental Health, Addiction and Recovery Services (MHARS) Board of Lorain County in partnership with The Nord Center, The LCADA Way and many other valuable community partners.
Currently, residents of Lorain County, experiencing a behavioral health crisis or substance use disorder emergency, primarily have two options: go to an emergency department at potentially great expense to the patient and to the community; or be taken to jail, which can overburden local law-enforcement agencies.
In the Crisis Receiving Center model, people can receive rapid counseling, medication stabilization and assessment with immediate access to an appropriate level of care in a setting that is warm, inviting and therapeutic to both clients and their families and friends.
In addition to significantly benefitting clients and their families, a Crisis Receiving Center also benefits the community by reducing crowding in emergency rooms and decreasing the use of law enforcement personnel for crisis management. This because, at a Crisis Receiving Center, law enforcement can drop a client off in a matter of minutes rather than potentially spending hours waiting with them at an emergency department.
“We thank you, Senator Brown, for this critically important investment in strengthening the crisis continuum in Lorain County,” said Michael Doud, Executive Director of the MHARS Board of Lorain County. “This funding will help bring this first-of-its-kind facility closer to opening its doors to anyone in our county experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis.”
Learn MoreLCOAT Family Support Branch Debuts Resource Guide
The Lorain County Opioid Action Team’s (LCOAT) Family Support Branch has created a new resource guide for families affected by substance use disorder.
When a loved one struggles with addiction, we may not know how to help. This guide is designed by family members of those struggling with substance use disorder to make the process of finding help a little easier.
Click here to download the printable It’s OK to Talk About It guide.
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