FR-CARA First Responders Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act
What is it?
[PLACEHOLDER FOR TWO VIDEOS – Opiate Response Task Force 1, 2] FR-CARA facilitates the ability for first responders and members of other key community sectors to administer a drug or device approved or cleared under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose. In Lorain County, this has resulted in a series of trainings for First Responders and outreach and education events and materials.
This project encompasses many critical efforts for drug use prevention, including Project DAWN Project-DAWN.ppt, free Narcan kits https://www.loraincountyhealth.com/opioids through Lorain County Public Health, and the Drug Mart safe medication partnership https://www.morningjournal.com/news/lorain-county/discount-drug-mart-offers-free-pouches-to-dispose-of-opiates/article_1e0e14be-128b-11e9-a51a-ff67fb323372.html.
How do I take action?
If you are a first responder who wants to take part in activities, contact Jinx Mastney at 440-282-9920.
Visit MHAR’s Helpful Information for Faith Leaders page.
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